New Adventures In Web Design 2012
January 19th 2012 brought with it with the second New Adventures In Web Design conference. I attended with Ashley “I’m A Secret Lesbian” Baxter — always fun to hangout with her. Expectations were high after the 2011 success but, for me, this year surpassed it by a mile (Cupcakes helped). I took a lot away from the day — not least that we work, live & play in one of the most exiting industries ever #fact!

The Royal Albert Hall
One of the most incredible conference venus of all time.
Dan Mall

Naomi Atkinson
Going Beyond
Travis Schmeisser
We Used to Build Forts

Robbie Manson
The Mindful Designer
Trent Walton
Break Everything

Cameron Koczon
The Potential Impact of Design
Denise Jacobs
Your Brain on Creativity

Frank Chimero
It Moves
Simon Collison
Event Organiser/Super Man

Were you there? Can you spot yourself?
You can see these, & probably some more at some point soon, on my flickr under the tag NAConf.