11 — Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused

This is the one I’ve been asking Spadge to do all year, but we (she) wanted some warmer weather. I knew the perfect location and knew Spadge would make an amazing Poison Ivy.

We found an awesome corset from a Canadian Maker on Etsy, and Spadge pulled the rest of the bits together and talked her sister into being her MUA, all we needed was a dry evening.

When we got to the location it had been fenced off in a fairly major way, they probably wanted to keep people out… but we found a small gap and Solid Snaked our way in.

Once we were in, I got to work setting my lights up. I used my boom arm straight up on an already fully extended lightstand — this got my key light about 12 feet in the air! A red glow from behind gave a nice bit of definition to the background, and I used a 3rd light to put a little extra light on the environment in the foreground.

The natural light was really nice though the trees, but I wasn’t getting enough of it. Because I was on a tripod, I could drag the shutter down to 1/80th of a second (which would normally be too slow for a 135mm lens).

We filmed a bunch of awesome behind the scenes and Spadge edited it up into a rad video for you all to enjoy, it’s at the bottom of the post, don’t miss it!

Image 11 of 12

Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused - Poisn Ivy Cosplay Quoto Photographed by Rick Nunn
Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused - Poisn Ivy Cosplay 1 Photographed by Rick Nunn

Wall Climber

Spadge was legitimately about 7 feet in the air, in 6 inch heels, on a very narrow uneven surface — hero.

Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused - Poisn Ivy Cosplay 2 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused - Poisn Ivy Cosplay 3 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused - Poisn Ivy Cosplay 4 Photographed by Rick Nunn

Legs for Days

Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused - Poisn Ivy Cosplay 5 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused - Poisn Ivy Cosplay 6 Setup Shot Photographed by Rick Nunn


Behind the scenes of the second set, there was no way of getting a setup shot of the first set, see the lighting diagram and check the video below to see what I mean. 

Lighting Diagram

Lighting Diagram for Poison Ivy Cosplay — Confused


Camera Settings

  • Shutter Speed: 1/80th
  • Aperture: F/2.0
  • ISO: 200

Behind The Scenes Video

My wife kindly edited up all the footeage we took into this bitching BTS video! She’s a babe and now my fulltime professional in-house video editor.

Credits: Photography: Rick Nunn Model: Spadge MUA: Rosie Location: Somewhere we were totally allowed to go
