10 — Red Hood Cosplay — You Lose

Not too many people get to be Batman’s side kick, get killed by the joker, come back to life and then become a crime lord/vigilante antihero.

I’ve been wanting to do a Red Hood Cosplay for a while now, there is something about a smart mouth, bad attitude in a red mask that I just can’t get enough of.

Enjoy xox

Image 10 of 12

Red Hood Cosplay — You Lose - Red Hood Cosplay Quoto Photographed by Rick Nunn
Red Hood Cosplay — You Lose - Red Hood Cosplay 1 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Red Hood Cosplay — You Lose - Red Hood Cosplay 2 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Red Hood Cosplay — You Lose - Red Hood Cosplay 3 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Red Hood Cosplay — You Lose - Red Hood Cosplay - Lighting Setup Photographed by Rick Nunn

Thanks Spadge & Rosie for the moral support and dance moves.

Lighting Diagram

Lighting Diagram for Red Hood Cosplay — You Lose


Camera Settings

  • Shutter Speed: 1/40th
  • Aperture: F/2.0
  • ISO: 640
