2 — Alaska Salmon Sandwich with Salad
Eating My Way Through 50 States
This is a really refreshing sandwich for a warm day in May — or any time really!
Recipie: Alaska Salmon Sandwich
with Salad
Calories: Who cares Servings: Not enough Cook Time: Too damn long! Dish: Breakfast, lunch or dinner, sandwiches are good any time.
Four Slices Wholemeal Bread
Lettuce Leaves
For the Filling
1 Salmon Fillet
3 Tablespoons of Mayo
The juice from 1/3rd of a Lemon
1 heaped teaspoon Dijon Mustard
1 Tablespoon Capers
A Sprig or two of Dill
Half a stick of Celery
Half a Red Onion
Splash Tabasco Sauce
Salt & Pepper
Poach the salmon.
Meanwhile dice the capers, dill, celery and onion, and mix in a bowl. Then add the mayo, mustard, tabasco, lemon juice, with a little salt and pepper in another bowl and mix.
Flake the salmon into a bowl, and slowly add the two mixtures in until it looks delicious af.
Spoon the mixture onto your bread, add slices cucumber and some lettuce, then serve.

Sandwich 2 of 50
