Stay Dead/Stay Lucky

My friend Daniel aka Baker2D has been putting out some pretty rad T’s recently. He asked me to do a couple of shots for him to use for promo and on his store. I went for a high key look using a white wall in my house & a bit of strobist magic.

Stay Dead/Stay Lucky - Stay Dead Photographed by Rick Nunn
Stay Dead/Stay Lucky - Stay Lucky Stay Dead Photographed by Rick Nunn

Currently he's only got two tshirts in his range, but you can expect him to be adding more soon I am sure.

Lighting Diagram

Lighting Diagram for Stay Dead/Stay Lucky


  • Camera: Canon 5D MkII
  • Lens: Canon 50mm F/1.4
  • Flashes: Canon 580ex & 430ex
  • Accessories: 2 light stands, 2 light brackets, 1 umbrella box, some black card, a tripod & RF-602 Triggers

Camera Settings

  • Shutter Speed: 1/160th
  • Aperture: F/6.3
  • ISO: 320

Lighting for this shot was a simple 2 light setup, with my key light quite far to the side to give the face and torso depth and presence. The  2nd light pointing to the wall and over exposing the white paint to finish off the high key look. 

When it came to editing I actually decided to take away some of the polish that the crisp lighting delivered — I took the I added some colour to the I took whites off to a reddish hue, the blacks to a blue and added a red to grey fade across the bottom of the image. I think the result is a little more edgy, suiting the brand much better. I’ve also ended up with a look that I can re-create easily if I ever need to shoot some more T’s for Daniel.  

Go buy his shit at his store
