Don’t Fear The Raptor
Spadge wanted a necklace — things sort of spiralled out of control from there until we ended up with Bandit dressed like a dinosaur. Halloween a-side this was a fairly standard Saturday for us.
After watching Jurassic World back in the summer, the necklace that Claire (played by Bryce Dallas Howard) was wearing really caught Spadge’s eye. I tracked one down and sneakily bought it for her for finishing her book. When I gave it to her, she mentioned that I’d make a good Owen and then immediately started googling for dog dinosaur costumes…
It took me a couple of minutes but my brain finally caught up with hers and I knew we had our next photo concept.
We headed into the woods, at the start of golden hour on All Hallows’ Eve. The sun was being diffused by a thin layer of mist and looked amazing through the trees, creating an awesome silhouetted woodland scene. All I had to do was bring the detail out of the foreground with some lights.
To get the ambient light just right and keep the depth of field low I had to be up at 1/500th of a second even at ISO50. Hypersync to the rescue again. As soon as you go above 1/200th of a second you start dramatically losing effective power from your flashes, so I used the Westcott The Rapid Box Duo to mount two speedlights lights as my key. A 3rd gridded light with an orange gel gave a really nice rim light, highlighting Spadge’s light outfit awesomely.
What can I even say about Bandit. After putting the costume on it took us a few minutes to stop laughing. He loved running around the woods as a raptor. Stupid cute bastard.

The Raptor Whisperer
Spadge was an expert at wrangling Bandit into position for the shots we needed. The corned beef she had in her pocket might have helped.

Lighting Diagram

- Camera: Canon 5D MkIII
- Lens: Canon 50mm F/1.4
- Flashes: Canon 600ex-rt x 3
- Accessories: 2 light stands, a Rogue Grid, a Westcott The Rapid Box Duo and a Canon ST-E3-RT
Camera Settings
- Shutter Speed: 1/500th
- Aperture: F/2.0
- ISO: 100