2 — Ghostbusters Cosplay — Why Worry?

It’s practically Halloween, right? The one night a year where all the ghosts and ghouls come out… when that happens, who you gunna call?

Rosie & Robyn put together some awesome Ghostbusters cosplay including custom made Proton Packs and Neutrona Wand.

This was the perfect reason to pull out the smoke machine and blast some orange and green gelled light through them. And the quote for this one had to be a Bill Murray, and I picked one of my favourite ad-libbed lines.

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Ghostbusters Cosplay — Why Worry? - a-year-of-cosplay-2-of-12-ghostbusters-cosplay-1-quoto Photographed by Rick Nunn
Ghostbusters Cosplay — Why Worry? - a-year-of-cosplay-2-of-12-ghostbusters-cosplay-2 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Ghostbusters Cosplay — Why Worry? - a-year-of-cosplay-2-of-12-ghostbusters-cosplay-3 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Ghostbusters Cosplay — Why Worry? - a-year-of-cosplay-2-of-12-ghostbusters-cosplay-4 Photographed by Rick Nunn
Ghostbusters Cosplay — Why Worry? - a-year-of-cosplay-2-of-12-ghostbusters-cosplay-5 Photographed by Rick Nunn

Happy Anniversary

It's also their anniversary today, keep being awesome guys — you're good people.

Lighting Diagram

Lighting Diagram for Ghostbusters Cosplay — Why Worry?


Camera Settings

  • Shutter Speed: 1/125th
  • Aperture: F/2.0
  • ISO: 100
